Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Fair Summer Day

Saturday turned out to be a nice summer day. Denice and I spent most of the day at Valleyfair. It was The Sportsman's Guide company picnic. Our neighbor, Trisha, is in personnel so she works at this event. Denice and I took Trisha's girls to the amusement park. Emma (7) took this picture of us with Sophie (5). Nice job Emma!

Sophie was pretty excited to get on the first ride. That was the Monster, a sort of spidery, spinning kind of ride.

Here is Denice on the Monster and, if you look closely, the top of Sophie's head.

Emma and I rode the Monster too.

I like riding the big roller coasters. Emma was tall enough to come with me. For the first time, Emma rode The Corkscrew, The High Roller and The Wild Mouse. She was never very scared.

Well maybe a little nervous.

Trisha got to take a break and wanted to ride some hideous death-drop thing. Trisha says I chickened out. Well anyway, she and Denice took off and I watched the girls while they went on the Snoopy rides together.

First it was Lucy's Tugboat.

Look! There's Denice and Trisha falling to their deaths!

Here's Emma with Snoopy. See the white framework of the High Roller in the background.

We cooled off and got wet in the wave pool. The waves got a little too high over Sophie's head.

Emma and I had to ride one more roller coaster.

Is Sophie tall enough for this ride? It's the horizontal pencil on top of the candy cane test! Notice the Corkscrew in the background.

Yes, Sophie just squeaked by. And that wound up our summer day together.

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