Monday, May 23, 2011

My grand-daughter the cyborg

Harper is a cyborg!

My grand-daughter has a misshapen head. Seems that twins are under a lot of pressure. Pressure to conform. Conform to the shape of their mother's rib cage, or her pelvis, or maybe the brother's foot in her face. Anyway, Harper is deformed.

Now my daughter, the mother, isn't putting up with that. Her little girl is going to be perfect!

So what does she do? Turns her over to The Borg for repairs.

Now she's been assimilated!

Don't believe me? Look! Here's the design of the helmet they created for her to tie her into their hive-mind.

Need more proof of what has happened?

Look! I've got pictures.

Resistance is futile!
Prepare to be assimilated.


B-W said...

That Borg on Voyager who was part of the crew had abnormal anatomy.

James said...

Blog with modesty, my friend, or I will have to moderate you.