Monday, November 15, 2010

Einen Guten Tag

Helena went back to school this morning. She didn't want to leave home, but she was happy and excited when we arrived there.

There's a large, fenced-in courtyard next to the Christian Reformed church.

Helena attends a German immersion school. They don't fool around. It's full-on German from start to finish. Too bad Helena's people don't speak German.

Frau Rebecca wanted to hear all about the new babies.

There was time to swing a little before class.

Frau Maria welcomed Helena back.

There are many things to do.

The school is bright...

...and happy...

With German efficiency, of course!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

On Target

This oddly dressed man is purchasing Princess Pullups and nipple guards at Target.

I accompanied BJ Cook to his adult soccer game at Pacific Beach. The womens and the babies stayed behind to sleep. I was especially interested in the middle-aged men (more my age than BJ's) who sit around and drink and smoke cigars after their game. BJ's game was exciting, with many yellow cards and one red card.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Grandpa ver 3.0

Between having problems with Blogger and regular interruptions to help out its taking a day and a half to write a ten-minute blog.

Helena did a great job meeting her baby brother and sister. She is very gentle and shows much understanding.

Helena calls me Pop-Pop. That's Grandpa 1.0

When you hold these two close together they become very relaxed. It's mind-boggling though that Sarah had these two people living inside her. There's 40 inches and 14-lb 7-oz between them!

The hospital still refers to Harper as "Baby A". Now that's Grandpa 2.0

Gunner has a little acne left of his nose and now he has gone and scratched the right side.

And Baby B makes Grandpa ver 3.0.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meet Harper and Gunner

My second and third grandkids came by Cesarean birth yesterday, November 9, 2010. Harper Laine came in at 19-in, 6-lb 13-oz. A minute or two later Gunner Reid came at 21-in, 7-lb 10-oz.

So, this morning, I hopped a plane for San Diego. But first I sent this photo to my number-one girl, Helena James (she’s two). I wanted to prepare her for her Pop Pop suddenly showing up.

Sarah and BJ were generous, as usual, allowing people to get their fill of “holding babies”. Here, Gunner and I are posing in front of the mirror out front of the maternity-room lavatory. Dang! I suppose I can claim its not that easy to frame a picture and not drop a baby.

Here, Grammies shares Gunner with a friend.

Anyway...can you tell who the big sister is?

That’s right...

I’ts ME!

Also watch for photos published here.