Thursday, November 1, 2012

Voter Assist

Your Ballot

To get a sample ballot for your precinct, go the the Minnesota Secretary of State's where do I vote page.  Enter your zip code on the first page. Select your street address on the second page. See "Click Here for Sample Ballot" on the third page. Click that. Boom!! You have a pdf of your ballot.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Primary August 14, 2012

Please note:
  • The primary is tomorrow;
  • MN House District 52A (north side of town) is not on the ballot in some precincts. There are no contested candidates in MN House District 54A (south side of town);
  • Names may be in different order on your actual ballot;
  • On the front side, you can only vote for one party. If you cross over, you will void your ballot. Choose wisely. On the back side, the judicial races are non-partisan, so you can vote in these races regardless of your party choice.
  • You have been redistricted.  Your state and federal districts have changed.  Some of your favorite candidates may no longer be in your district.  Let's get up to speed on these changes.
Here are links to candidate sites:

Independence Party

US Senate

Republican Party

US Senate

Kurt Bills, party endorsed

US House District 2

John Kline, party endorsed

MN House District 52A

David Meisinger (no website found)

Democratic Party

US Senate

Dick Franson
Darryl Stanton
Jack Edward Shepard
Amy Klobuchar, party endorsed
US House District 2

Mike Obermueller, endorsed, uncontested

MN House District 52A

Rick Hansen, endorsed, uncontested
Nonpartisan portion of Ballot

MN Supreme Court, Chief Justice

MN Supreme Court, Associate Justice 4

David R Stras, Incumbent

Here is town square televison's list of candidates, including races not on this primary ballot.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Paisley Parking

Ava, brother Andrew and I took a walk in Lake Ann Park in Chanhassen. The park trail crosses over onto rogue pathways through the palatial estates of one artist formerly and again known as Prince.