Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Princess Power

Sarah and Helena went to Target to get some supplies for the coming birthday party.

I've been to Target before, but when I saw that there was and entire aisle dedicated to the princess lifestyle I just had to document this revelation.

Then I turned the corner up the next aisle and OMG! there's an entire department for the purposes of all things princess.

Party Crashers

Helena will be Three on Thursday.

Yesterday, Pop-Pop and Helena went to the park together.

Helena played in the sand with the neighborhood kids.

We met one Dad, a Grandma and a dozen Moms (in varying stages of pregnancy). All the kids, except Helena, were wearing their protective sun bonnets.

One of the moms was having a birthday. We got to sing Happy Birthday and we scored yet another cupcake in the process!

Early Risers

It's all about Harper.

So I'm getting up at 5:00 AM every morning. I don't mind being up earlier than everybody in San Diego. I don't mind being the first one to doze off when they're just getting ready to party. I'll just have to get back on my work schedule in Minnesota anyway.

The thing would be nice to have a little drink a leisurely cup of post a blog or two.

But NO!!!

Harper has to have her me-time too!

It's all about Harper!